T.I.G.E.R Assessment
Teen Introspect Growth and Education Readiness
The 21st century is featured with fast paced changes and career opportunities are ever evolving. Majority of the teenagers choose their higher education and career “By Chance!”! Most of them don’t have a proper career vision and preparedness. This assessment will help you to understand your / Your child’s readiness in embracing higher education and a dream career. This assessment will help you to understand and analyse the following factors and also will help you to plan future in advance! This will help you to introspect on your preparedness in embracing the future!
- Career Vision
- Career Potential Awareness
- Clarity in Career & Higher Education
- Financial Planning for Higher Education
Teen Introspect Growth and Education Readiness
Who is taking this assessment

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Congratulations on taking your T.I.G.E.R Assessment!
We highly appreciate your aspiration to fulfil your career and higher education goals!
The T.I.G.E.R report will help you to understand your readiness in embracing new higher education and career journey!
Now that you've identified readiness, your next step is to spend time getting immersed in those areas of career mapping. If you would like to go deeper into career mapping and find out your most suitable higher education options, career path and opportunities, then you can take up a video based personalised Career Mapping Report.